The Most Viewed Guest Posts of 2022

Being the end of the year, we wanted to look at which articles across all of our 12 brands are bringing the most interest to our readers and if there are any common themes between them. So, we have put together our top 5 most viewed articles along with their amount of pageviews and why we think these are the most viewed!

To read any of the articles, simply click on the image for each one and it will take you through to the content!

5. GHP – 11 Benefits of Taking Vitamins

This articles comes in as 5th place and has reached at total of 51,262 pageviews since 1st January 2022.

4. LUXlife – Top 10: Sustainable Cities Around The World

In at 4th place is this article on sustainable cities around the world, has gain a total of 51,558 pageviews this year.

3. GHP – Revealed: The Travel Hotspots That Could Be Damaging to Your Health

With a large focus on health, this GHP article has reached a total number 52,022 pageviews since the start of the year.

2. LUXlife – The Top 7 Most Luxurious Hotels in the World

Coming in as the second most view article, this piece on the most luxurious hotels in the world, has reached 84,006 pageviews!

1. GHP – 10 Reasons It’s So Important to Stay Healthy

Here, in top position, is an article focused on why and how is it important to stay health and this has reached a large 130,024 pageviews since January 2023.

By looking at our top 5 articles, and seeing why they have been so popular with our audience is interesting. Are there are some similarities between them and things we could take forward to use within our own guest post articles?… From these top 5 articles, it seems that listicles are a good technique to help boost pageviews and bring in traffic.

Creating a listicle is known for being effective for readers as listing content allows our brains to digest information and make it easier to read. So, if our audience are seeing these types of pieces and are looking for quick information, they are clearly choosing these over a passage of text that may take longer to read or requires more concentration.

Choosing the right brand for your content also seems very important. All of these articles are very true to the brand guidelines they are published on. There is no point in publishing your content on a site which has no relevance to your content as it will not grab the audiences attention how you intend it to!

It is important to give your content some time to develop and create a strong online presence and backlinks. Some of these articles have been published for a number of years, and are now gaining traction and achieving the results they would like!

These are all easy things that you can implement within your own guest post journey and if you have some content you would like to publish, upload it now via our platform –

5 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important

Here are our 5 main reasons why content marketing is such a vital part of your business.

1. Content marketing can help enhance your online presence

Using content marketing within your business does boost website in many ways including functionality, appearance, and a higher domain authority score. If you can create a good, interesting website for your audience, the more likely they are to revisit your website and trust in your brand. With a better website comes more web traffic, helping you to rank higher in search engines for better visibility.

2. It can rapidly grow trust with your audience

Having a website that is filled with good quality content suggests a well-established, robust business. Including more helpful, useful, and engaging content for its audience will encourage them to return to the sites. If they are continuously pleased with your business and product, they are more likely to trust your company and buy from you. Search engines also approve of the good quality content and will rank your website at the top of search results for this.

3. Content marketing builds authority

By producing good content marketing and growing your website in a positive direction is a great investment into your business. Not only does it build your brand’s authority and establishes relationships with your audience but, it is your own content. By publishing your own website means you own all the content that belongs their – it is your content assets. Unlike social media marketing, where the platforms are not your own, they do not hold any priority to your content and are run by large corporations who have their own business to grow. (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

4. More attractive to higher-quality leads

By achieving the right content, you will see that there are 2 types of leads that will be looking at your website and targeting these can be managed through SEO.

The two types of leads are the ones who already know about your business and familiar with what you do, and the people who have encountered an issue and needs a solution to it.

By using SEO (Search engine optimisation) you can carefully choose the correct terminology to entice both types of leads. Research keywords and what is popular for both areas and it will help to attract in higher quality leads.

5. More manageable cost and better rewards

If you have used more traditional marketing techniques in the past you will know that it tends to rely on advertising with a charge. As soon as you stop paying for it, the adverts are no longer their and neither is the visibility of your company. Content marketing costs are more likely to be one initial cost at the beginning, particularly if you invest in SEO or a platform that will publish your content. As soon as your content has gone live, this will then stay online and spread, you don’t have to keep paying for it.

Content marketing, if executed correctly, can have many positive attributes which could then lead to a domino effect through to other aspects of your website, marketing and business strategy. By implementing some key techniques of content marketing, you can make huge benefits to your business, as listed above!

How to Make Seasonal Content Marketing More Effective

The calendar year is something that rarely changes, so why not play on the annual/every few years seasonal activities and events? Things like Christmas, Easter, Sporting evets like Wimbledon, The Masters, F1, the London Marathon, and numerous endless tournaments, Black Friday events, Festivals like Glastonbury, the list really is endless. But how can you work these into your marketing schedule and include current seasonal content? See some of our tips below….

Get Prepared

While the focus is usually on the upcoming events and although this is important, taking that step ahead is also a great strategy. Take the time to start your preparation for the coming year early and plan which of your calendar events could be the most successful for monopolise on for your business. Using tools like Google Trends will help with what aspects have been/are popular and will be a good indicator for what will really take off next year. Think about content marketing research that you already have and figure out:

  • Be specific and keeping in mind your target audience decide what is the best way to grab their attention
  • Use tools like Semrush for keyword analysis
  • Look at your site’s traffic in previous years and the data as this may be useful to see how products or posts performed
  • Look at testimonials for inspiration

It’s all about the timing

If you are going to create relevant holiday content and make the most of it, it is best to plan when. You do not want to wait too late to pitch it and end up missing the key time slot for this! It is better planning to get articles written early and scheduled out for a future date, rather than rushing them and missing the deadline. To get your content done before time and effectively, use these tricks below:

  • Look back and analyse old content around seasonal topics and start developing ways you can advance it and use it again
  • Whilst building your seasonal products, think about how your content will sit alongside this to help boost your sales
  • Avoid adding dates to URLs around seasonal content so that it can be recycled for the following year
  • Refresh any seasonal content as new, develop it bringing it into the new year. You do not need brand new content for the same events every year

Market each platform effectively

The holiday season is always a difficult time to capture the attention of clients so if you can be prepared with what you would like to publish across each different platform this will be more effective for your audience, and less stressful for you. Knowing who and what to market on each platform is key. Keep in mind:

  • Lists on Pinterest are very popular and a great way to share gifting ideas, your favourite recipes and décor ideas
  • Instagram is great for sharing visual inspiration about gifts, and what seasonal outfits are trending
  • Facebook is great for running competitions for your followers and you can make this interesting and helpful for consumers instead of making it just about your product or service
  • Guest Posts are a great way to advertise to a large audience that you would not necessarily reach in your day to day marketing

If you can prepare in advance and make sure your content is visible and live on multiple platforms, you have the best chance to get in front of your audience. Make the most of creating seasonal content to make it personal and giving the best chance for it to get noticed!

How to Make the Most Out of Blogger Outreach

If done effectively blogger outreach can really elevate your business and help towards growing your exposure to new audiences. Blogger outreach is a cost-effective marketing technique that can help gain exposure with a more focused approach.

In terms of a strategy, it is good to help build relationships and bring several industries together. Not only this but it can also be a great way to include aspects of SEO and content marketing to your overall business strategy. Bloggers who share their interest in your business will then also help promote your service to the right audience. These types of bloggers have a dedicated audience who are trusted by their readers and alongside different promotions, will enforce your business to success.

Types of Blogger Outreach

There are many ways you can implement this into your work, take a look at our favourites below:

Guest posting – there are many platforms now that make it easy to publish your article on someone else’s website. This allows you to gain exposure to their exciting audience. You should research this before hand to make sure that you are showcasing to the right industry where your content will be effective. Take a look at AI Guest Posts, which has 12 established brand websites for you to choose from, making it easy to find somewhere relevant to your content.

Giveaways – giveaways are another key type of blogger outreach strategy, which work really well as these are beneficial for both the brand involved and the blogger. An example of this would be where the brands provide products and the bloggers to host competitions and engage with people who would like the free product. This can be done over social media campaigns, YouTube, blogs etc. This helps greatly towards brand awareness and exposure!

Creating Blogger Outreach

When looking to start this journey, there are some points you should research and consider to tailor your own business. This includes:

  • Outlining your goal
  • Define your criteria
  • Create appropriate targets
  • Know your audience
  • Identify you USP and structure your approach
  • Collect your outreach data of where you are going to publish and reach out to them
  • Analyse your results
  • Optimise your strategy to work

Blogger outreach best practices

With blogger outreach, this is a budget conscious approach to marketing but can sometimes be difficult to implement. Here are some of our tips to make sure you cover all basis:

Make sure you choose bloggers/post in the relevant niche – blogger outreach is only worthy if you choose relevant niches to your industry. If you do not select a relevant niche, it could have the opposite affect to your business, and bring in less or negative traffic.

Create a good pitchwriting a well-crafted email that grabs the attention above hundreds of other emails that go into the blogger’s inbox. Keep it concise and straight to the point as to what you are looking for and this will give a higher chance of them starting a conversation about what you are looking for.

Building a rapport – creating a strong relationship with a blogger or an influencer can directly boost your traffic. Creating a trustworthy relationship will enhance your blogging so it is a good idea to be clear about what you are wanting to achieve from the beginning.


Blogger outreach is important for every business, no matter the age or size. If blogger outreach is not something you have used within your marketing yet, it is highly recommended. It can bring many rewards and success for your brand and boost sales! By sticking to some of the point above will enable to you make the most out of it.

Top 6 Black Friday Marketing Strategies

With Black Friday almost upon us, we have put together some tips of how you can get ahead with your socials and email marketing in the weeks running up to Black Friday! Take a look below at how you can put these tips into practice and really make Black Friday promotions work for you:

Social media

With online shopping becoming evermore popular, why not keep your marketing online too and make it easier for your audience. There are so many methods of how to approach Black Friday, but it is choosing the right ones for you and your business that matters. Here are some of our favourites:

Hashtags – Use different hashtags to what you would usually use in your posts to black on the Black Friday audience. There are many different types of shopper, and your usual audience may not necessarily hunt for sales and discount but Black Friday will bring along a range of new customers for you, so tap into this where you can.

Creating time restrictions – By creating a time frame and a little urgency around the discount will encourage your customer to buy quicker. As the Black Friday is only for a day, many shops have already increased this to the weekend, and some have extended it further to monopolise on the event and draw in the customers quicker and for longer. A way to do this could be to add mystery to your offers, like ‘coming soon’. You can potentially give them a preview of what is going to be available so they will know not to miss out, and will remember to come back and buy.

Optimise your socials – With the deals coming up, be sure to use social media to your advantage. Make sure you are dropping constant reminders for your followers about the upcoming deals and that your main products are taking centre stage. Posting regularly will help it stick in your followers minds, and they will be more inclined to buy when the deal is on. You can make your posts varied and include things like your polls, blog posts, and tips will also bring people into your socials.

Email Marketing

A couple of weeks before the Black Friday event, start an email marketing campaign to entice your customers. You will need to give them something that they have not been offered before, like a ‘huge discount’ or ‘your biggest deal yet’. You can do things like:

Online Promo Codes – send out a promotional discount code at the appropriate time. You need to be ahead of the crowds to make sure they are seeing your code first, but alternatively, not too early that they forget to use it. Make sure it is something that they will not be able to resist and will fled to your website, whether that’s ‘Buy one product and receive a free item’, or ‘percentage discount if you spend X amount’, etc. etc….

Incentive for loyal customers – This is a time to recognise your regular customers by offering them an extra kind of incentive. It is a great time to do this while there are already offers on but then they will also feel appreciated and be more likely to carry on buying your products, particularly if you follow up with them afterwards too!

These are simple tips you can add into your marketing that will really elevate your Black Friday experience and grow the exposure of your business.

How to Use Content Marketing Help Grow Your Business?

Content Marketing is a key marketing driver for many businesses to grow their income and to engage a wider audience in a targeted manner. Here are some of the main ways in which good content marketing can help grow your business:


It is a good suggestion to start by collating a good amount of research around your business that is going to help grow and improve growth on:

  • Exposure – What your current online and social media presence is like?
  • Audience – Who is your target audience and are you successfully engaging with them?
  • Content – Is the content across your business cohesive?

Gaining answers to questions like this will be beneficial when deciding how to apply content marketing, and which methods to use. It will also tell you a lot about your current customers and how you can develop what is currently working within your business and monopolise on their buying habits.

Delivery good quality content

When implementing a content marketing strategy, the goal is to deliver interesting and informative content that your audience will want to engage with and then maximise the potential return on investment in this content through promotion across different channels. Thinking about things like brand awareness, SEO benefits, traffic and sales, and combining this with the interests of your audience, should help you to produce exciting content for your audience.

By sharing good quality content and on a regular basis will keep your audience interested in your business and allow them to invest not only time but also money into your business and grow your sales.

Using a range of channels

With social media and digital services now readily available to help grow your communication channels it can have positive affect and in turn grow your business. Good content marketing will use different formats of digital marketing and target certain audiences to engage with them about your business, encouraging interaction. Judging on your own audience and your content market research you will have understanding of which methods will resonate best. This includes, podcasts, infographic, videos, and blogs.

There are also ways to gain exposure through guest posts, which is publishing your content on another successful website that is relevant to your brand. By gaining exposure to the audience they have already got, will instantly grow yours and enable you to reach customer that you previously would not. Take a look at AI Guest Posts, a platform that has multiple websites to choose from and see which would be most suited to and effective for your content.

After focusing some time to try and improve these areas is a good checklist to help your business. By combining these simple elements and implementing them into your existing business will help to grow your sales, exposure and then hopefully customer base. You do not have to struggle your way through this though, there are useful tools like SEMRush and Hootsuite that can help you plan your content more easily and ensure you are getting the most out of your content marketing to improve your business growth!

The Most Common SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

SEO is the process of how your website becomes ranked above others in a search engine. With search engines like Google and Bing having sophisticated algorithms, it is important that your website does not end up at the bottom of their users’ search results. Having a really interactive and well-designed website may look great but if you do not include a good SEO strategy, no one will see it! Here are some of the main points to avoid for bad SEO and making these mistakes…

Knowing your target audience

The success of your business is based on how much money and sales you can make, but to do this you need to engage with the people buying your product. It is vital that you know who your target audience is; what interests them? Is there a need for your product? What social media platforms do they use? By answering questions like this you will gain an understanding of your product and then how to market it and apply this in your SEO. If you know that your audience are very active on Instagram, it would be worth creating strong social media posts to keep them interested. This could result to them in turn sharing your posts, tagging you and basically doing your marketing and gaining exposure for you!!

Not researching the right keywords

To make sure you are gaining the correct exposure it is important to use the correct keywords within your content so that you will appear in the right search engine results. By meticulously choosing the right keywords that are very precise and relevant to your business will flag the interest of your audience. Do not use vague or broad keywords, this will higher the number of results that go into the search engine and is likely to be unsuccessful. By doing some research into specific words and if they will be effective to your SEO. To help with this, there are many tools like Semrush that will be useful in this stage of the process.

Producing low quality content

To improve your SEO, you also need to keep in mind the quality of your content. Researching your target audience and keywords will help you to produce content but be mindful of what you are sharing, is it relevant? Will this engage your audience? Do not create duplicate content either. This will force the search engines to choose which of the duplicates will be ranked higher, making neither of them rank very highly. You can use tools like Google Analytics and other analytics tools that can show you how well your content is performing and indicate what would need improvement. This is then easy to target where to improve you SEO and highlight any issues!

Not Posting Enough

Having awareness about finding the right balance for you, your business, and your audience when posting good quality content is important but posting needs to be regular and manageable for it to be successful. Getting this right is by no means an easy task but it will be a huge benefit if it works! There are techniques to help with your posting and ensuring that you are gaining the right kind of exposure, like email marketing, vlogging and guest posting. There are so many aspects to SEO but by avoiding some of these mistakes above and not getting left behind with the latest SEO processes, it will help you keep on top of those search engines and their algorithms, leading you to that top spot!

Advantages of Having a Content Marketing Plan

A content marketing plan is an important tool to help grow your business and increase sales. Having an effective plan will ensure your approach to marketing is targeted, cost effective and driving that essential return on investment! 

Sets the four P’s

Product, place, price and promotion. Creating a content marketing plan will give you a strong basis to see how you are going to meet all of the ‘four P’s’ within your marketing. How will you promote and find a suitable place for your product, whilst reaching the appropriate audience? This asks questions like:

  • What is it you are selling? A product or a service?
  • Where are you going to sell it? A shop, online shop, through a platform?
  • What kind of value does your product hold? What kind of profits will you make? Is it a competitive price?
  • What kind of platforms will you use to promote it, social media channels, website, guest post articles?

It defines your target market

Having a plan set in place will help you to define your target market, and customers. By concentrating on what you are actually selling and how you are going to do this, it is a great way to gain understanding of your business and analyse what really puts you above others in the market. It will raise your awareness of other competitors and what you need to be successful. It is important to know the reason you are selling your product and in turn will make you more aware of your target market and what they are looking for when buying your product.

By gaining this understanding of your target market, you will be able to understand exactly what your buyers are looking for and therefore allow you to gain trust and develop loyalty with them. This can then have a positive influence on both sales and generating leads.

Helps create measurable goals and objectives

It can also help you to set targets and goals to make sure you are maintaining the key aim of the business. If you set goals and objectives, it is easy to track how you are going to make and maintain sales, aiming to hopefully increase these sales and then asses how close to your goal you are. This method is a great help to help you focus on which aspects of your business is working and what needs improvement. With the targets you set you can measure how your business is performing and see what aspects are working well or need more attention.

Allows for a cohesive message

With a content marketing plan in place, it will ensure that everyone working on the marketing and sales of your business will be on the same page and working towards the same goals. Having set goals for each area of your business like product, place, price and ways in which you are promoting your business, means that no matter if it is just you working on it or a whole team of people there is set guidelines on the style of your work. It is effective as it is clear how the products translate through your website, shop (either physical or online) and social media.

Planning is essential in all business, and content marketing in no different. With the benefits listed above, getting the initial structure of your plan together first, will be a great start to your planning and guarantee you follow this as it could be crucial instigator in leading your business to success.

Top 5 Content Marketing Problems and How To Overcome Them

Getting the aspects of your marketing just right can be a long process and it may not be successful first time. Here are some of our hints at tips at how to overcome some of these problems:

1. Creating high-quality content

In today’s market, there are so many ways to promote your brand but one of the most effective is creating quality content. With the masses of competition, it is hard to write something that hasn’t already been written but if you get this right, it could lead to great success. Researching into what your competition is a good place to start as you can compare the standard of the content. With many search engines using ranks to present information, it is important to create high quality content and get ranked near the top to generate more traffic to your site.

To create this content, ensure you have researched into your audience, and you are including interesting points that are going to keep them engaged. Think about how you can provide answers to their questions and present information that they will not have read before.

2. Generating content consistently

To be taken seriously and grow loyalty to your brand, it is important to engage with your audience regularly, whether this is through social media posts, articles, or website updates. By creating a content strategy can help you keep on top of your content and how often you share it. Creating regular content is a huge benefit to driving more traffic to your site and improving that all important SEO.

You can include content about, design, creativity, and technical skills but the key is to prioritise where and when is the right time to use the content to ensure you are being effective with your content.

3. Understanding the audience

No matter how large your audience is, there will be a variety of people who all look for certain content in different ways and this can be hard to share the right type of content. To create a better understanding of what they are looking for, will help you to create content that really interests them. Do your market research and analyse their interests by looking on their social media – what things are they sharing or liking? What type of accounts do they follow? See what days or times are most popular to engage with people? Simple tips like this should help with exactly why they are reading your content.

From doing this you will engage with them on a better level and realise the best formats to do this, such as social media, blog posts, podcasts, and website articles. Whichever way you are sharing your content, make sure it is delivering value, insight, and solutions.

4. Measuring your achievements

Is analysing metrics in your strategy? Without looking at the metrics you will not see how successful your content has been. Look at software like Google Analytics to monitor your posts, traffic flow surrounding your content, the domain authority, your email marketing, and social media posts.

Imagine if your post becomes an overnight success? If you are not checking on these metrics, it could be weeks before you knew how successful it had become and you would be missing out on an opportunity to gain this traction across the rest of your content. Setting yourself targets whether this is the number of followers, monetary value or increase in web site traffic, this is an effective way to track your progress and use these metrics effectively.

5. Choosing the right platforms

Lastly, now you have a better understanding of your audience, the formats in which to post and how often, you need the right platform to post on. With thousands of marketing channels and platforms available, it is important to focus ones that best connect you with your audience.

Take time to understand which platform would be most suited to your target audiences, if you publish on the wrong platform, they will never get to enjoy the content you have created for them.

Although there are many ways and channels to do this, the most effective is to promote your content using paid digital advertising via social media, reputable industry publications and other online platforms that organically grow traffic.

Some of these content marketing challenges may not be the easiest to overcome but by allowing some time each week to focus on these aspects, the success with SEO will show in those metrics you are now monitoring!

Brand Awareness in Marketing

Brand awareness is the recognition of a brand or business by its name, logo, or any other defining features. Being able to recognise a brand or business by these features boosts a brand above its competitiors. Brand awareness can be considered the first step of the customer journey, if customers are aware of your brand or products, they are more likely to buy into them.

By elevating your brand awareness, it can enable you to learn different ways to grow your business and its success. There are 3 things you ideally want your customer to know or recognise:

  • Your brand name
  • The products or services you are offering
  • The attribute that puts you above your competitors

To create your brand awareness campaign and achieve these three points, you need to be giving informed and consistent communication to your customers. Firstly, you need to know what kind of awareness your brand already has before you can start work on improving it. Are you a brand-new business? Or have been around a little while and have some kind of following (even if it is small)?

To give you an indication of this you can look at things like your social media accounts and any way that you communicate to your customers: –

  • Your mailing list — how many people have signed up to receive communications from you
  • Your social media — how many people follow you on social networks like Facebook and Instagram
  • Social listening — how many people are talking about your brand online
  • Your website hits — how many unique visitors you get to your site each month
  • Your search data — how many people search for your brand name in Google and other search engines.

These are all measurable aspects so it doesn’t matter where you are starting from, once you have improved your brand awareness, you will be able to see the results in these figures. On your brand awareness journey, assess your starting point and think about the following methods and how you can implement these into your business, if you don’t already:

  1. Use guest posting sites to spread your content – guest posting is the process of writing and pitching blog posts for another publication. You can publish your content on someone’s blog and add links back to your brand. There are many sites out there that will host your content, so it is best to make a note of which platforms specialise in which industries and have the audiences that you are looking for. Sites like Neil Patel, AI Guest Posts and My Blog Guest have great sites to begin your guest posting.
  2. Look at your social media presence – make sure you are maximising content on your social media for the following you already have. Are you making the most of these followers? It is important to post good, shareable content with good graphics. If you post incentives for them to tag a friend or share to their stories – this is an organic way of increasing your brand awareness.
  3. Develop a voice for your brand – whatever angle you are going to resonate whether it be, funny, emotional, smart, or sentimental, it is imperative that your stick to a particular style for your customers to trust in the brand.
  4. Start a podcast – podcasts are a great type of marketing and are now very popular. They can give great insight into a brand and allows the customer to see what they are buying into. The more value you can add to their lives, no matter what channel, the more likely they are to invest time and money with your brand.
  5. Take part in brand partnerships – collaborating with other brands can be a great way to introduce yourself to a new audience and if you have the same values as the other company, their customers are sure to be interested in you too! This is beneficial for both parties and builds trust with both customer bases.
  6. Give something away for free – entice your audience in by engaging with a competition. This could be encouraging them to share your website or post with friends, or even a freebie for someone. Bringing in the communication and interest of customers, will bring in more interest than the price of giving 1 product or service for free. 

By investing time in your brand awareness, you will create an established brand that will meet the needs of your customers and more importantly keep them interested. By doing it in stages makes it a  simple process to achieving a great brand, and remember you don’t have to do it alone – make it easier and more effective by using tools like AI Guest Posts, social media analytics, podcasts and collaborations with other brands!